University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Virtual Reality Brain Network Viewer provides a new and innovative way to interact with brain connectome data. By utilizing the Oculus Rift headset and the Oculus Touch controllers the software allows you to physically interact with your data sets. This includes the ability to pick up the brain model and move it with your hands, as well as the ability to slice open the brain mesh to further examine the nodes and connections within. The software also comes with analysis tools that allow control over the connection threshold, the ability to isolate connections on a given node, and the overlay of MRI data on the brain model.
GLIRT (Groupwise and Longitudinal Image Registration Toolbox) provides solutions for both groupwise registration and longitudinal registration, which are the necessary steps for many brain-related applications.In this software package, we have included two of our recently-developed groupwise registration algorithms: 1) Sharp-Mean registration, and 2) Groupwise-HAMMER; and (3) Groupwise longitudinal registration for longitudinal image sequences.
MARS (Multi-Atlas Robust Segmentation) provides the automatic solutions for efficent segmentation/labeling anatomcial structures from medical images. Specifically, this software has integrated several state-of-the-art multi-atlas based segmentation methods, such as majority voting, local weighted voting, and non-local patch based segmentation methods. Our software is ranked as the top label fusion method in MICCAI 2013 segmenation challenge.
The HAMMER Suite toolkit provides a user-friendly interface for efficient image processing and analysis on human MRI brain images. Image processing is completed by a flexible pipeline which provides fully automatic and powerful functions, such as skull stripping, image cerebellum removal, image segmentation, HAMMER based image registration, and RAVENS map generation for voxel based analysis.
iBEAT (Infant Brain Extraction and Analysis Toolbox, previously called LIBRA) is a toolbox with graphical user interfaces for processing infant brain MR images. Longitudinal (or single-time-point) multimodality (including T1, T2, and FA) (or single-modality) data can be processed using the toolbox. Main functions of the software (step by step) include image preprocessing, brain extraction, tissue segmentation and brain labeling.
aBEAT is a 4D Adult Brain Extraction and Analysis Toolbox with graphical user interfaces to consistently analyze 4D adult brain MR images. Single-time-point images can also be analyzed. Main functions of the software include image preprocessing, 4D brain extraction, 4D tissue segmentation, 4D brain labeling, ROI analysis.